The conditions set out here as well as the specific conditions that may be agreed between the parties will regulate the relationships established between AMARE TURISMO NÁUTICO, S.L. (hereinafter “the company”) and the users of the services it offers (hereinafter “the client” or “the passenger”)

In the development of these conditions, the applicable Spanish regulations and legal provisions have been taken into account, such as Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the Revised Text of the General Law of Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.

Passengers expressly accept the conditions and terms of the nautical services offered and especially those contained herein.

    1. The company’s purpose is to provide various nautical services.
    2. This website informs customers of the different services offered and marketed by the company.
    3. The contracting and all the procedures for the reservation will be carried out via email to our email or by phone at +34650410322
    4. The availability of the services offered on this website must be previously verified with the company through the authorized means that also appear on it.
  2. PRICE
    1. The prices of the different nautical routes offered on this website appear in their most economical option and will remain valid for as long as they remain accessible to customers. The price of the nautical services requested that do not appear on this website will be the one that appears in the quote sent through our electronic means.
    2. The price may vary depending on the number of passengers who finally make the crossing.
    3. The price must be consulted for verification. Likewise, passengers will be promptly informed of the final fare.
    4. The company reserves the right to modify prices to cover possible variations in costs. This circumstance will be communicated to all confirmed reservations. Customers may choose to cancel their reservation without any penalty or maintain said reservation.
    1. The passenger may make payments by bank transfer, credit card or cash as well as any other means agreed between the parties.
    2. To formalize the reservation we will request a payment. The reservation will only be finally formalized when payment is made.
    3. In cases where the client does not proceed with the payment within 5 days after sending the reservation confirmation, the company will have the right to cancel without prior notice and to impose charges corresponding to the management costs of said reservation .
    1. The penalties for cancellations of reservations are:
      1. Cancellations more than 30 days in advance: no penalty
      2. Cancellations between 30 and 15 days before departure: 50% penalty
      3. Cancellations between 15 days before and the same day of departure: 100% penalty
      4. Cancellations due to duly justified force majeure without penalty
    2. Cancellations must be processed in writing via email to our email
    1. The company reserves the right to modify activities when necessary for organizational, commercial or security reasons.
    2. When the modification is significant, the company will communicate these modifications to the client in writing as soon as it becomes aware of them. The client may choose between:
      1. Accept the modification with the stipulation of the new conditions and the corresponding price
      2. Cancellation of the reservation with refund of payments made without any type of penalty.
      3. Change for another nautical activity with the same characteristics, or, where appropriate, for a higher or lower one with the corresponding regularization of prices either upwards or downwards, upon confirmation of availability.
    3. The client will have to communicate his decision in writing within 3 days of receiving the communication. In the case of lack of notification, it will be understood that you opt for cancellation without penalty.
    4. The company may assign another product to the client as long as it has similar characteristics to those of the object of the reservation. In this case, clients will only have the right to payment of the amount corresponding to the price difference, in the case of a lower priced product.
    5. The company is entitled to modify the announced schedules and even suspend and cancel the trip for internal, technical-logistical or organizational reasons as well as for meteorological or force majeure reasons without prior notice. In this case the client will receive a voucher valid for 1 year from the scheduled date of the canceled departure for subsequent use. The passenger expressly renounces his right to make any type of claim in the event of this point occurring.
    1. The modifications made will only be effective when they are in writing and signed by the company.
    2. When the client has any complaint or claim, they must immediately inform the company staff so that they can take the appropriate measures to resolve it. If this is not possible, it must be presented in writing. The claim document will have to be signed by the client and by someone responsible for the company.
    3. The company is not responsible for stolen or lost items.
    1. For the resolution of litigation or discrepancy regarding the interpretation or their own jurisdiction, the parties expressly submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the Navy authorities, and, where appropriate, to the Courts and Tribunals of Vilagarcía de Arousa.</ li>
Open Chat

We thank you for contacting us and we assure you that we will do everything possible to accommodate your request.

If you continue this conversation, you have given us your consent to contact you in this way. We take this opportunity to inform you that we will use the data generated in this conversation to assist you and provide you with our services.

You can exercise your rights at the email address More information in our offices and on our website.