At the heart of the Camino de Santiago, where different paths meet, there is a small but important protagonist that cannot be missed in the experience of any pilgrim: Padrón peppers. This morsel, tiny in size but giant in flavour, is a must-stop for those who do the Portuguese Way.

Little Peppers, Big Moments

Padrón peppers, some are spicy and others are not” goes the famous Galician saying, reflecting the spicy surprise that some of these peppers hide. Like the Camino, you never know what awaits you. Served in steaming pans, sprinkled with salt crystals, Padrón peppers are a Russian rule of flavour that makes every bite an adventure.

From the Garden to the Table on the Road

Grown in the fertile fields of Herbón, in the Padrón region, these peppers are a sample of the agricultural wealth of Galicia. And when you follow the Traslatio, that route that takes you through the same waters that, according to legend, brought the remains of the Apostle Santiago to Galicia, what better way to connect with the land than by enjoying its most emblematic fruits.

A Tradition in Every Bite

Tasting Padrón peppers is more than satisfying your appetite; it is immersing yourself in a tradition that has been kept alive on Galician tables for generations. It is sharing a moment of gastronomy with other pilgrims, an exchange of smiles (sometimes spicy surprises) that becomes a shared memory of the Camino.

A Meeting of Flavors in the Spiritual Variation

While you rest in Padrón, after having followed the Traslatio river route or just before embarking on it, allow the Padrón peppers to connect you with the purest essence of Galicia. Each restaurant and tavern along this stop offers its own version of this traditional dish, waiting to be part of your journey.

Not Just a Pepper, but an Experience

So, whether you find yourself in Padrón looking for energy for the next stage of the Camino or celebrating having completed your route, Padrón peppers are waiting to be tasted. Let this little delight be part of your great adventure, adding an authentic flavor to your pilgrim experience.
Enjoy Padrón peppers, enjoy the Camino, and let each step (and each bite) be a story to tell. Buen Camino y buen comer!